Covid policy for Natural Fitness 704, in person fitness training sessions, Charlotte, NC. Sara Eichinger, personal trainer and fitness expert.

covid & Public Health policy

Due to the nature of exercise and the proximity of personal training, I have implemented a Covid-19 policy for my in personal training & group courses & classes. 

For mobile training clients, I will still travel to your home and in instances of high community spread, I will wear a mask, but feel free to do what you prefer.

Clients whom I meet at parks or use shared equipment can rest assured that it is sanitized after each use.

Group Sessions will be limited to 10 individuals indoors, while outside participants will be dictated by the type of class & will be responsible to clean the equipment they use with sanitation products supplied.

If you are sick the day of your session, please stay home. You will not forfeit your session, and we will reschedule once you are feeling better.  I, too, will also stay home if I am not feeling well. 

During this time, I ask for you patience and understanding as we are all navigating our new space and comfort levels.   

Stay Healthy, my Friends! -Sara xoxo