novice cycle a: Your Body is Your Machine

(first month)

introduction to this cycle:

Your Body is Your Machine 

For our first cycle of exercises, we are going to focus all your attention on how your body works as a whole. We will have full body workouts that focus on: flexibility, balance, cardiovascular improvement, strength gains, and the building of endurance.  

In this phase, it is very important to listen to your body during each movement and with each exercise. Depending on your current level of health, you may need to take some movements slower than what is recommended, and you may find that you need to take more breaks between each exercise.  If you feel this way, PLEASE DO SO! You know your body best, and although you should push yourself, you also need to listen and respect what your body is telling you.  This program and practice is all about you.  I will have variations available to you in the videos, so start with the one that seems best for you and you can make it more-or-less challenging from there.  

If you come to an exercise that is painful, stop that activity immediately, note what type of pain it is, and be sure to email us for further discussion. Do not rely on the old saying, “No pain, no gain.”  That is never our objective at Natural Fitness, and it should never be your objective, especially in the Novice  phase.  If there is pain associated with a particular movement, it could indicate a more serious problem and we want to make sure we rectify the matter at the beginning before we really get that rear into gear

As you navigate these exercises and questions arise, be sure to write them down so you can either contact us, or refer back to the other tools we have available to you.  During this initial cycle, if you notice any discomfort in joints, pain, or a side of your body that doesn’t “feel right,” please contact me immediately.

Items to go over before starting your program:

Annotations In Worksheets:

FB = Follow breath  

ES= Each side, we will be doing a lot on one side of the body and then the other.  Sometimes alternating, and sometimes completing one side before moving to the other.

AFAP= As fast as possible, but REMEMBER only go as fast as you can keep the form in check

EW= Each way, some movements require a front/back or side/side motion.  It will make sense in the videos, but it is something to note while looking at the excel sheets

Numbers, EX: 2010 or 4321= Think of each digit as an individual part of the exercise.  The first digit is going into the exercise, the second if there is a hold, the third is getting out of the exercise, and the fourth is if there is a hold before your next repetition.  Using 4321 as an example, think about a pushup, the 4 would be how many seconds you are going down, the 3 would be holding the pushup in the “push” position, the 2 would be how long it takes for you to push back up, and then the 1 would be holding for one second at the top before starting the movement again.  If the digit is a “0” that means there is no hold/pause, and you will continue the movement.

Reps= Repetitions, or how many times you will be doing an exercise

Sets= the number of times you will do the group of exercises.  Most of the time there will be 3 sets.  If you are not able to get through all three sets of all the prescribed exercises.

a/b/c = this is the grouping of exercises.  For example, you would do all “a” exercises for the prescribed amount and then you would start back at the top of the “a’s” and complete the number of sets listed before moving onto the next group.  If they are all “a” this is a circuit workout.  You will start with the first exercise on the sheet, go through all of them, and then start back up at the top.


Novice Cycle A: Your Body Is A Machine


novice videos (a)

Yogi Sit Up

Downward Dog to Plank

Runner’s Pose with Extension

Dancers Hamstrings


Deep Squats

Knee Taps Narrow

Standing Side Crunch

Speed Skaters

Phantom Rows

East/West Pushups

Side Lying Hip Adductions

Calf Raises in 1st Position “V”

Triangle Pose

Glute Stretch

Single Leg Inchworm with Pulses

Inchworm with Pushup

Standard Pushups

Open the Sky

Core 100

Swan Dive Rolls

Figure 4 Stretch

Windshield Wipers

Wall Pushouts


Standing Hip Rotations

Sumo Squats

Thread the Needle

Pelvic Rocking

Seal Jacks

Happy Clams

March in Place

Chaturanga Flow With Modifications

Standing Quadricep Stretch

Walking March

Bird Dog

Glute Bridges

Tricep Dips

Kneeling Chest Opener

Split Squats

Wall Sit


Caught Red Handed

Single Leg Abduction with Pulse


Jumping Jack

Kneeling Half Moon

Knee Taps Wide

Cross Body Arm and Leg Reach

Butt Kicks

Arm Circles Small & Large

Side Planks, Standard & Advanced

Side Lying Hip Abductions

Calf Raises Parallel “||”

Dancer’s Hamstrings
