Posts tagged challenging workouts
How to Pick An Online Fitness Program That's Right For You
How to pick an online fitness program that is right for you, a blog article by Sara Eichinger of natural Fitness 704, certified personal trainer and fitness expert.

Online Training Programs that are Fun, Challenging, and Affordable

 How to pick the one that is right for you

Google “Online Workouts,” what do you get?  

You get inundated with results.  You have the “Best 8 minute workout for your butt!” or you have the trainers “giving” you free workouts only to keep harassing you with the spam emails… NOT the SPAM!  

There are some great ones out there, don’t get me wrong.  I have done several of them myself. I am an online trainer, afterall.  There are a myriad of wonderful fitness routines, target exercise, etc.  However, there is one big looming question, 

“Is this the right exercise for me and my goals?”

Not only is there the question of if the exercise video you chose is the right one for your goals, but also, 

“Am I doing this right?”  

How many times have you been there?  Following a fitness routine is hard enough in a physical class, let alone trying to follow someone on the TV, your phone, or tablet.  

How can you get the feedback you need?  

If you like the one exercise, how can you make sure the program you purchase is going to help you with your goals?  

I have always been active, but after college I had found myself out of shape and broke.  I wanted to feel better and feel good in my skin again, but I couldn’t afford the fitness studios or packages sold online.  Since I was in a pickle, I did what any sane woman would do, I went to Pinterest.  

In Pinterest, were pictures and lists on what to do, but I always ran into the same problem, I wanted more.  I wanted structure, and I wanted to see results a little faster than a ¼ inch gone here and maybe a pound lost there.  This was before my life as a group fitness instructor and then personal trainer, but I had been involved in dance and sports all of my life, there had to be a better solution. 

I feel like a lot of us, especially women, want to make exercise fun so we opt for new videos online to keep it “fresh.”  When I started considering my online training packages I knew I had three struggles when I searched for online programs that I wanted to eliminate for potential clients. 

The three goals for my online training are: 

  • make it as accessible as possible (meaning both financially and physically)

  • make it fun & challenging 

  • and lastly, my main goal is to TEACH you how to workout.  

I have my programs based on video library workouts, not your typical “Press Play and Move” model.  I want the person who purchases my online training program to feel confident in their movement, I want them to feel challenged, and I want them to learn how to create a workout from the tools that I give them.  

It is my duty to make sure anyone I come into contact with leaves me stronger, healthier, and/or happier than when they first met me.  With my online programs, I have made them flexible enough for you to be able to be in as much or as little contact with Natural Fitness 704.  I have workouts that take you from 0-100, with bite sized steps along the way to mitigate any risks of injury or boredom.  

The online programs are broken up into levels

Each level has 3 cycles to give you three months of workouts that build on top of each other.  Completing Level 1, for example, will get you ready for Level 2 and so on. 

Although the first three levels are pre-programed, there is ALWAYS room for customization, as even though these exercises are great foundational pieces, you may have an injury we need to work around, health condition, etc.  It’s all about finding the RIGHT fit for you!

Not being able to communicate with the online trainer was a big problem for me in the past.  I have organized different add ons for my clients to be able to contact me as much as they like for any and all questions.  Here at Natural Fitness 704, we believe that fitness is for ALL people.  We all have the ability to take control of our health and fitness, no matter our age, gender, or income bracket.  

For fun, let’s pretend that my online program isn’t the right fit for you, this would be the case if you DID want the “press play and forget it” option.  I will have online workouts like that on my website in the future, so let’s just pretend for the moment that you are looking for someone or something else, what should you do to find the right fit?

Firstly, you need to know what your goals are 

Have a nice long chat with yourself about what your overall goal is and set smaller goals to help get you there. Now, once you know what those goals are, it’s time to find a plan that is right for you.  

Secondly, check out the trainer

Who is providing the program? Are they certified?  Is there a 3rd party that can verify that they are certified. For example, you can search for certified trainers, I’m certified through ISSA, but I’m also a member of IDEA Fitness, where they have verified my credentials.  

How long have they been training?  Now, I know that there are a lot of fantastic trainers young and old alike.  Experience DOES speak for itself though.  Make sure the trainer of your program has testimonials, check their social media pages, etc. 

Lastly, what does it cost?

Is the price that they have their program set at affordable for you to keep going?  Results don’t happen overnight, so you need a program designed to last at least a few months for your body to have time to respond to that new stimulus.  

Hopefully this helps you navigate the Wild World of Webs to find a trainer and an online fitness program that is right for you.  Remember, the more upfront you are with yourself at the beginning is better.  What are your goals, what is your budget, and what type of experience are you looking for?

Us here at Natural Fitness 704 want to make the World a happier and healthier place where our minds and bodies can grow.  If you have questions, please shoot me an email at I’m here to help you navigate your options to find the best program for you and your goals.  Let me help you take that first step in your fitness journey by signing up for my emails (I promise, NO SPAM!).  What you will get is a link for your trial workout.  It will give you a chance to “meet me,” Sara, and to see what you can expect from a program with me.  

Don’t feel like committing just yet?  Give me a follow or shoot me a DM on Instagram or Facebook @naturalfitness.704  You’ll be able to meet me, my pups, some of my clients, and the best Vice President in the fitness game (my husband).  

I’m looking forward to connecting with you and helping you find the best solution for you and your goals.  

Until next time, stay healthy, stay happy, and remember; Everything is Better in Balance.

Xoxo Sara